During the Naruto franchise, Shino Aburame didn’t get as much time in the spotlight as other characters. In the manga, he didn’t make his appearance until the fourth volume. With the anime, and expanded backstory for the characters, he did get to appear in the very first episode, and fans got to learn more about his family.

As a member of Team 8 with Kiba Inuzuka and Hinata Hyuga, Shino matured over the course of the series from someone with little patience and appreciation for teamwork to someone who knew the value of working together and waiting out unfortunate circumstances. For the fans who might not have paid as much attention to him, we’ve got answers to some burning questions.

How Long Has Shino Been Working With Insects?

As a member of the Aburame clan in Konohagakure, Shino has a special skill. He can communicate with and train insects, a talent that is often seen as gross by his classmates at the Shinobi Academy.

To Shino, however, it’s a normal aspect of life because it’s all he’s ever known. The Aburame clan actually introduces a specific insect to the body of infants in their clan so they can begin their symbiotic relationship at birth. As he grew older, Shino began to experiment with other bugs as well, but his initial training started as soon as he was born.

When Was He Promoted To Chunin?

When Shino and his Academy classmates initially took the Chunin Exams, their village was attacked and the exams were never completed. Shikamaru Nara ended up being the only genin promoted to chunin in their village. That changed during a major time skip.

Between the Naruto and Naruto Shippuden series, a two-year time jump occurred while Naruto trained with Jiraiya and traveled. Shino and his teammates participated in another set of Chunin Exams. Like before, these were interrupted, though this time, the culprit was a sandstorm while the team was traveling through the desert. Lady Tsunade made the decision to promote all of the genin participating from Konoha to chunin anyway, making Naruto and Sasuke Uchiha the only members of their generation not to get a promotion.

What Is His Star Sign?

Shino probably wouldn’t put much stock in astrology since he’s more interested in science and logic. If he did, however, his January 23 birth date would make him an Aquarius.

Those who are an Aquarius tend to be rebellious and focused on social change. That doesn’t sound like Shino, but he does fit a lot of the other commonly believed personality traits. An Aquarius is often thought of as eccentric, aloof, and non-conformist. With even Shino’s teammates not knowing him particularly well, and his penchant for insects setting him apart from his classmates, he seems to fit.

Does Shino Have Siblings?

Like most of the members of the Konoha 11, Shino doesn’t have any siblings by birth. The anime, however, did introduce an adopted sibling for him.

A member of the Aburame clan, Shikuro, passed away, leaving his son Torune alone. Shino’s parents took the boy in, and the two forged a friendship despite Shino not usually growing close to people. They thought of one another as brothers. Torune sacrificed his own life to become a member of Root under Danzo when the latter was interested in recruiting Shino. He had to give up everything in his old life to work for the group. In order to remain close to his brother, despite knowing he would never see him again, Shino harvested some of Torune’s insects and bred them with his own.

What Did He See In The Infinite Tsukuyomi?

During the Fourth Shinobi World War, nearly all of the allied forces were caught in a completely immersive genjutsu known as the Infinite Tsukuyomi. They hallucinated the world they most desired to experience.

While fans didn’t get to see what everyone experienced, they did get to see what Shino saw. He didn’t see himself interacting much with other people, but instead, discovering a new species of insect. For someone whose favorite pastime has always been working with his bugs, it made perfect sense.

What Sets Him On His Path To Become A Teacher?

Shino reveal as the teacher for Boruto’s class at the Shinobi Academy in the Naruto sequel series was a surprise for many. The groundwork for his role, however, was actually laid in the Naruto series. The way he treats his insects - almost reverently, and panicking when he begins to lose his connection with them - is akin to the relationship he has with his students in the Boruto series. His real path was set when he headed out to get a wedding gift for Naruto and Hinata. 

He encountered someone known only as Beekeeper while attempting to retrieve their gift, and he encouraged the Beekeeper to not hide in their work but experience the world. The exchange causes the Beekeeper to compare Shino to an educator, and Shino’s mind was set.

How Many Naruto Movies Has Shino Appeared In?

Unlike some of the other members of Naruto’s generation, Shino isn’t quite as popular when it comes to the movies. He’s only appeared in four of them. 

In Naruto Shippuden The Movie: Bonds, Shino essentially had a cameo, though it was a powerful one. He used his insects to destroy an entire base by himself. Likewise, his role in The Last: Naruto The Movie was also brief. He appeared to have dinner with Kiba at the beginning, and then later as part of a research mission. His role in Road To Ninja provided fans with a look at an alternate version of him - one who didn’t even like insects. 

It was in Naruto Shippuden The Movie: The Will Of Fire that saw all of Naruto’s generation, including Shino, take on a larger role. Every one of the Konoha 11 had a part to play as Naruto attempted to save Kakashi.

How Many Official Missions Has He Completed?

Thanks to the Naruto data books, fans have some obscure information about their favorite characters. That includes items like their favorite foods and favorite phrases, and also their official mission count.

All in all, Shino had an official count of 44 missions before the Boruto series began. That included 17 D-Rank (the simplest kind) missions, 17 C-Rank, 9 B-Rank, and a single A-Rank (the most difficult) mission. Shino never officially undertook a mission for elite shinobi, the S-Rank. Of course, this count doesn’t include missions he participated in during filler episodes of the anime, like the search for the bikochu beetle, which he actually led. It also differs from his teammates. Kiba completed 50 and Hinata 33.

What Is His Blood Type?

Also included in the data books for the Naruto franchise are blood types for many characters. Shino is AB. 

That might seem like a strange bit of information to include, but there is a belief that personality can be affected by blood type in Japanese culture. Shino’s AB blood would indicate he’s rational, intelligent, and creative, but also critical and unforgiving. He shares this blood type with Shikamaru, Kurenai, and Gaara.

What Does Shino’s Name Mean?

Most of the characters in the Naruto franchise have names with special meanings. Creator Masashi Kishimoto pulled inspiration from old folk tales for characters like Jiraiya, but then he also named characters after something associated with them. For example, Shino’s sensei Kurenai had a name that referenced her penchant for red.

Shino shares his name with a character in Nansō Satomi Hakkenden, a novel about a samurai who happens to be a dog. Likewise, his teammate Kiba takes some inspiration from this novel as well. Shino’s surname “Aburame” is actually a variation of the word “aburamushi,” which translates to cockroach as a reference to his family’s affiliation with insects.